When we asked Eva x Carola to collaborate with us on producing samples with our OTW® yarn technology, we knew they would deliver something truly special. We didn’t know that nature would provide the perfect inspiration for their designs in the form of the humble owl. Or that it would lead to an exciting journey like this one…
Seamless design and development
The first step Eva x Carola take after the creative process is selecting the yarn they want to use, and after that they select the type of machine. Questions to ask before designing include:
- What are the best yarns for the product
- What is the best gauge, double or single jersey, true mesh requirements or intarsia?
After this, they begin testing with some initial graphics. The swatches are analysed for their need for modification, their functions, and how best they can be applied on the body or product.
These results provide the starting base for the design process. The patterns are then allocated strategically onto the body or product. The patterns and techniques are seamlessly integrated by engineering. When the tubes are produced, they are constructed into garments or product prototypes.

Yarn selection: the benefits of OTW® technology
For those unfamiliar with OTW®, here is a quick overview: OTW® technology was developed as a more robust solution for the woven fabrics industry as a way to improve the efficiency of the yarn during weaving. The result is a higher quality fabric that delivers less piling, more abrasion resistance, more production yield during the manufacturing process and reduced mending and finishing costs usually required to construct the best worsted fabrics.

Combining lessons from nature with the innovative technology patented by Südwolle group led to engineering benefits in the areas of: performance, innovation, value, quality, durability and sustainability. What could we add to this? It was clear that combining OTW® with Santoni’s technology would yield some incredible results.
The use of merino wool enabled a number of important additional benefits for the consumer, including insulation, moisture management, shape retention, durability, and sustainability. Crucially the fabric would have no smell, no itch, and would be naturally anti-static.